联合国儿童基金会估计有 近2.4亿儿童 残疾人士遍布全球. These children have dreams and ambitions for their futures as much as anyone. A quality 教育 with inclusion in standard classrooms is needed to help them develop their knowledge and skills, 这样他们也能充分发挥自己的潜力. 


为什么 包容性实践 对教育至关重要 

一位幼儿园老师给她的学生朗读.包容性实践 在教育中 检查课程,项目,教室, 学校建立起来了. 全纳教育意味着创造一种氛围 所有 学生有机会参与和学习. Inclusive practices are essential in 教育 because every student deserves to experience and learn in an atmosphere of respect where they can develop and maintain friendships with other students and teachers in their schools and communities. 

全纳教育提出 所有 孩子们有权利 相同 教育. 这不是可以或应该赢得的东西, 这不是一个孩子必须准备和准备的事情. 这是一项与生俱来的权利. 



简单地说, it is the best way to provide 所有 kids a fair chance to attend school and learn and develop the skills needed to thrive. Inclusive 教育 means the integration or inclusion of 所有 students in the 相同 classrooms and in the 相同 schools, 没有例外. 这包括整合或 包容 有特殊需要的学生. 

It also means a student’s “particularities” should be regarded as elements of 多样性 而不是问题. This translates into real learning opportunities for kids who have often been excluded, including those with disabilities and those who speak a language other than English.  

Inclusive 教育al systems understand the importance of the unique contributions students from diverse backgrounds bring to the classroom, 使整个班级受益. This kind of 教育al process identifies obstacles that any student may face and works to remove those barriers. 

Inclusive teaching means 所有 students are included in the classroom routines. 它是, 事实上, considered a crime not to accept them or even provide for their needs in any classroom or school. 

A lot of creative thinking is required on the part of instructors to produce an environment where 所有 kids feel comfortable enough to participate. Instructors will need to learn how to teach in new and unique ways to meet the needs of 所有 students in their classrooms so that every child can be involved. 

广泛地说, i全纳教育的信念和原则认为,所有的孩子: 

  • 可以学习 
  • 能上适合年龄的正规教室吗 
  • 是否应该接受相关的、以需求为导向的课程 
  • 应该接受合适的教育计划吗 
  • Should have opportunities to partake in co-curricular and extracurricular activities 
  • Should have collaboration and cooperation at home, school, and in the community 

它是 the foundation that creates a lifetime of acceptance and appreciation for 所有 students. 


什么是包容的 教室, 为什么这很重要? 

An inclusive classroom is designed to include students with disabilities, impairments, 以及适合年龄的特殊需求, 通识教育环境,让他们可以在同龄人中学习.  

The definition is evolving; 然而, 这意味着在许多其他情况下要包容, 不仅仅是 特殊教育. 

An inclusive classroom addresses the needs of 所有 students including those: 

  • 有智力、情感、发育和身体残疾 
  • 谁会说英语以外的语言 
  • 有着不同的宗教背景 
  • 来自不同的社会和经济背景 
  • 有不同的性取向 

An inclusive classroom ensures 所有 students are treated respectfully and have access to general 教育 and technology. Inclusive teaching practices close the gap between the “haves” and the “have-nots,并减少社会偏见的影响. 


一个包容的 教室 是什么样的? 

In an inclusive classroom, 所有 students experience respect and have a sense of belonging. 当使用 包容性教学 实践 时,您可以拥有/期望: 

  • 对所有学生寄予厚望 
  • 教学以学校或州采用的标准为基础 
  • 在需要时提供个性化的支持 

在一个包容的 教室里,每个孩子的独特性都受到尊重. Effective inclusive practices address the services provided rather than where the services are offered. The values associated with inclusive teaching revolve around respect and relationships while the needs of 所有 students are addressed. 


如何将包容性策略引入 课堂 

Inclusive learning means 所有 students have access to flexible learning opportunities. They are given effective methods to assist them in achieving their 教育al goals in environments where a sense of belonging is experienced. 在一个包容的教育环境中,所有的学生, 无论残疾或能力如何, 在同样适合年龄的环境中体验学习. 

这一切是如何在 教室里完成的呢? These four specific strategies can be implemented to help you meet the needs of 所有 students in a classroom. 

当将全纳教育策略引入 课堂时, 从小事做起. 从一节课或一个活动开始. 在成功的基础上,拓展到课程的其他领域. 记住,每个指导方针并不适用于每一个课程. 指导方针只适用于你的学习目标的相关性. 

ACUE (学院和大学教育者协会)提供 10 包容性 教学实践 than can be used immediately in the planning and implementation of classroom activities. 


Do children leave regular classrooms for instruction with inclusive 教育? 

Inclusive 教育 means that kids are educated in regular classrooms; 然而, it doesn’t mean that a child cannot leave the classroom for individualized instruction. 孩子可能需要在某一特定学科领域得到一对一的支持, 这些可能发生在正常的上课时间. 包容性教学 方法, 必须认真考虑如何提供支持, 进出正常的 教室. 这并不意味着, 然而, that students needing support are grouped together and placed in a separate classroom for 所有 or part of a school day. 


教师如何确定 包容性实践 是否有效? 

在 包容性教学 环境中, 所有 kids and 他们的家庭 are equ所有y valued and deserve respect and access to the 相同 教育al opportunities. But how do you know if the strategies you are using are working for 所有 students and 他们的家庭? 

在采用 全纳教学 实践 的教室中, 学生应该在这些方面有所提高: 

  • 沟通及社交技巧 
  • 读写能力 
  • 等电位点s 
  • 集中学习时间 
  • 关系和友谊 

Special 教育 teachers in inclusive classrooms are to conduct regular assessments to ensure students are meeting their academic goals. Lessons must also be evaluated periodic所有y to establish that they are adequately ch所有enging to the student without being overwhelming. 

Students requiring and receiving supportive services should feel self-confident and independent in a standard 教育al setting while support services are utilized. 定期与学生举行等电位点会议, 他们的家庭, and staff should take place to ascertain whether changes should be made to the student’s 等电位点. 


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