
Graduate School Entrance Exam & 专业执照计划 – designed to assist MSU Denver students looking to further their education and career preparation by covering the cost of graduate school entrance exams and certification or licensure exams/courses (including the ASWB exam).

在线专业发展计划 – developed to support students looking to participate in professional development opportunities during the COVID-19 pandemic by offering financial support for students participating in online professional development events.


The MSW Program at MSU Denver prepares you for professional licensure in Colorado. 如果你想在科罗拉多以外的地方申请执照, please use the following resource as a starting point to ensure the MSW Program at MSU Denver will meet the specific requirements of that state. 有关执照考试的详细信息可在 社会工作委员会协会网站.

此资源最后更新于2022年6月. If a link is broken or no longer leads to the correct site, please notify us at [email protected]


Last Updated April 2022

The licensure process for social work is complex with many moving parts to track. Please refer to the licensure flow chart developed by the Colorado Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) for a step-by-step walkthrough of this process. If you would prefer to watch a video presenting this information, you can watch the recording of the 密歇根州立大学丹佛实地教育办公室虚拟LCSW许可证活动 from Spring 2022.

The NASW-CO(全国社会工作者协会,科罗拉多州分会)网站 提供有关此过程的更多信息. They also provide Jurisprudence Exam Help resources. 其他一般资料可在 MSW Guide website.

申请许可证的表格可在 DORA(监管机构部)网站. MSU Denver’s MSW Program is an approved program by DORA and all graduates are eligible to apply for licensure.

如有疑问或了解更多信息,请访问 监管机构部 and 社会工作委员会协会. You can also email DORA at [email protected] 有任何关于流程的问题.

If you are still having difficulty navigating the licensure process after exploring the resources and contacts above or need assistance in completing licensure forms, please contact [email protected].

School Social Work Licensure

MSU Denver’s MSW Program curriculum has been approved by the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) to offer curriculum towards the special services license endorsed in school social work. There are special and additional requirements that must be met during and beyond the MSW degree. 请使用此资源作为指导. 如有疑问或了解更多信息,请访问 CDE website or review their 学校社会工作指南在这里.


To start the application process, visit the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) at http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeprof/checklist-initialspecialserviceprovider

Students who are applying for school social work licensure and need to obtain signatures on official forms for the licensure process should submit the 批准的课程验证表 毕业生咨询服务协调员克莱尔·阿尔弗斯,地址 [email protected]


If you have a job lined up or are presently employed in a Colorado public school district or charter school as a school social worker yet still need to meet the coursework requirements, or if you need to take and pass a Colorado State Board of Education-approved school social work exam (i.e. Clinical, Advanced Generalist, or Master’s exam only), you will need to complete and submit a TEE (temporary educator eligibility) authorization application.

Upon approval, this authorization will allow you to serve as a school social worker while you pursue the coursework or pass the content exam. Your employing school district and the college/university through which you are completing the coursework will need to sign the TEE authorization form, which you will include in the application along with copies of your bachelor’s and master’s degree transcripts. (如果你只需要内容考试, you may leave section B of the form blank and upload a copy of a screen shot of your exam registration verification).


School Social Work Jobs

科罗拉多学校心理健康咨询委员会创建了一个 学校心理学和学校社会工作空缺职位矩阵 帮助潜在的候选人在该州找到可用的工作. The matrix includes available positions for school psychologists and school social workers in Colorado with additional details regarding the positions (location, number, contact person, application instructions, etc.). Because the matrix is voluntary, it will not encompass all the available positions in the state.


如有疑问或了解更多信息,请访问 监管机构部.

丹佛州立大学的所有CAC/LAC课程目前都位于 人类服务和咨询部.

For more information about the process of becoming an addiction counselor, please read through the Certified Addiction Counselor Clinical Training Program Handbook (March 2022)

  • If you have a high school degree only, please refer to page 14 of the handbook
  • 如果你只有学士学位,请参考手册的第15页
  • If you are working on your MSW degree, please refer to page 16 of the handbook

If you have more questions about the addiction licensure process in Colorado, please contact [email protected]