

The name of the organization shall be Metropolitan State University of 丹佛 研究生委员会, hereinafter the 研究生委员会.


The mission of the 研究生委员会 is to promote graduate 教育, 奖学金, and research; to support individuals, departments and programs in the pursuit of excellence; to foster innovative, 多学科, and interdisciplinary activities; and to maintain high ethical and academic standards in graduate studies.


The 研究生委员会 shall advise the Associate Vice President – 研究生 Studies regarding the configuration of graduate degrees, 研究生证书课程, 毕业生微证书. 除了, the Council shall 监控 the degree to which these programs further the University’s mission, avoid unwarranted program duplication, pursue means by which graduate programs can be strengthened, 并建立, 监控, and maintain academic standards across the graduate curricula.

The 研究生委员会 shall recommend policies including, but not limited to: the structure and quality of graduate curricula, procedures concerning graduate student appeals, and policies governing the initiation and termination of graduate degree programs. The 研究生委员会 shall be responsible for the promotion of a positive graduate culture that supports scholarly inquiry, 教育, mentorship and advanced practices. 此外, the 研究生委员会 shall be responsible for approving all sustainability studies for new graduate program proposals.



Members of the 研究生委员会 shall consist of:

  • The Associate Vice President for 研究生 Studies
  • A faculty representative appointed by each academic Dean of a School or College that offer graduate program(s)
  • A Chair representative selected from an existing graduate program
  • Two rotating graduate program representatives*
  • A representative appointed by the Faculty Senate
  • The Associate Vice President for Curriculum and Policy Development
  • A representative from the Office of the Provost
  • A representative from the Division of Administration, Finance, and 设施
  • A representative from the Office of the 注册商
  • A representative from the Office of 研究生 Studies
  • The president of the 研究生 Student Association

There shall be no more than two members from any department on the 研究生 council at any given time.

Requests for commentary from a non-council member must be submitted to the Council Chair 48 hours in advance or be brought forth by a council member at a meeting.

Section 2: Chair of the 研究生委员会

The chair of the 研究生委员会 will be the Associate Vice President for 研究生 Studies.

Section 3: Committees of the 研究生委员会

  • 3.1形成. The 研究生委员会 shall have the power to form ad hoc committees.
  • 3.2权力与义务. The 研究生委员会 may assign powers and duties to these committees.
  • 3.3操作规则. The 研究生委员会 shall have the power to adopt its own rules of operation to carry out these assigned responsibilities.

*Until the 研究生 Student Association is formed, there will be three rotating graduate program representatives


An amendment to the 宪法 or the 规章制度 may be initiated by any member of the 研究生委员会. Proposed amendments to the 宪法 or the 规章制度 shall be presented in writing to the members of the 研究生委员会 at least three (3) business days prior to the 研究生委员会 meeting at which the vote will be taken. Amendments to the 宪法 or the 规章制度 shall require an affirmative vote of at least two thirds of the voting members of the 研究生委员会 present at the meeting.