




Image of an elementary school girl in a classroom, looking at the camera.Trauma-Informed实践 are techniques that center equity and the inclusion of all learners, 尤其是那些受到生活创伤事件影响的学生. Trauma-Informed实践 also mitigate the experience of secondary trauma for teachers in the classroom.

The Trauma-Informed实践 Certificate focuses on inclusive practices 和股票 in education as it relates to recognizing and addressing the learning and behavioral needs of children who have experienced trauma.



Between one-half to two-thirds of all school-aged children experience trauma, and more than 30 percent of children have multiple traumatic experiences. These statistics do not account for the trauma of ongoing racial discrimination and microaggressions that students of color experience, 也不是COVID-19大流行对心理健康的持久影响, 这表明儿童创伤的实际发生率可能要高得多.

密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的教育学院与 有弹性的期货 to develop curriculum that builds the capacity of educators to develop 弹性 and understand and address trauma triggers in school environments, 以及他们自己和同事的二次创伤.


  • 多元化的学生群体
  • 引人入胜的专题课程
  • 支持ive faculty and staff with a lens of diversity, equity and inclusion
  • 灵活的课程安排选择,所有课程都在线提供
  • 令人难以置信的价值


一群高中生走过走廊的后景All educators can improve their practice by gaining a deeper understanding of key trauma-related concepts and the effects of trauma on student behavior – helping kids build coping skills and self-efficacy.

This certificate is also a great add-on for pre-service teachers in our 教育学硕士学位.


In order to apply to the certificate program, applicants must meet the following requirement:

  • 学生 must have a minimum of an undergraduate degree from a regionally accredited college or university.

In addition to the above requirements, applicants must submit the following materials:

  • 完成 皇冠体育官网研究生申请
  • 研究生申请费
    • $50 fee paid online through the online 皇冠体育官网研究生申请
  • 所有官方成绩单. (Please note: you do not need to provide 密歇根州立大学丹佛 transcripts if you attended here in the past)

    • 电子提交是首选的方式. Have official electronic transcripts sent directly from the institution to: (电子邮件保护)
    • 正式成绩单可邮寄至:
      P.O. 173362箱
  • 补充文件 (作为密歇根州立大学丹佛分校研究生申请的一部分上传):
    • 重新开始
    • Personal Statement – Please submit a personal statement addressing the points below. 提交必须是一页, 双倍行距, 12点的Times New Roman字体, 还有一英寸的空白.  文件必须是必须的 .PDF或 .文档/.多克斯格式.  Please note: If you are applying for admission to this program concurrently with application for the Master of Arts in Teaching, please refer to the requirements listed above under “Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Program 入学要求”.
      • 你攻读这个证书的原因.
      • Your experiences and/or qualities that will benefit you as you pursue this certificate.
      • 你在丹佛州立大学攻读这个证书的具体原因.


Dr. 梅根·布伦南

Dr. 梅根·布伦南 – Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Co-Founder of 有弹性的期货 – is dedicated to trauma-informed practices 和股票, 改变教育景观. Megan’s role spans program development and implementation and interdisciplinary 研究. 通过她对终身学习的奉献, 同情, 和股票, 梅根推动了教育系统的变革. 在弹性期货之前, 梅根是学校的治疗师和项目主管, 亲眼目睹创伤的影响, 推动她的创伤知情护理使命. Megan’s collaborative efforts with Metropolitan State University 教育学院 (SOE) resulted in the integration of trauma-informed equity-centered practices into curriculum and practices. She serves as a Co-Principal Investigator for an interdisciplinary 研究 collaboration focused on mitigating secondary trauma in educators during their first years of teaching. 梅根是一个系列书籍的合著者, “Developing Trauma-Informed Teachers: Creating Classrooms that Foster Equity, 弹性, 和基于资产的方法,反思教师备考课程方案的实施, 研究, 和合作伙伴.


雷切尔·哈蒙(她/她/她的)是一名有执照的临床社会工作者. She received a Bachelor and Master of Social Work degree at The University of Kansas. Her career as a social worker and clinical therapist is intrinsically tied to her experience within education settings, ECE -12. 2008年,她开始在堪萨斯城的学校工作, Missouri and has an extensive history of providing school-based mental health therapy to children, 青少年, 以及他们的家人. In the ECE setting Rachel worked as an 儿童早期 Mental Health Consultant. Training facilitation and consultation with educators on mental health topics, 大脑发育, and trauma-informed practices has been a hallmark of her career for the last eight years. Within the private sector Rachel provided content-based learning on topics related to burnout, 同情, 弹性, 和健康. Rachel believes in the complexity and uniqueness of the human experience. She works collaboratively with clients, students, and educators to support their goals.


“(We have) kids who’ve immigrated from war-torn countries and kids who’ve lived in the dilapidated apartments down the street their whole lives,”她说。. “TIP可以帮助你更好地与所有的孩子相处——这是关于公平的.”

——Haley Conley, Alameda International Jr .中学数学老师./Sr. 高

阅读更多: 《皇冠体育官网》(RED Magazine, 2022)

密歇根州立大学丹佛分校校友海莉·康利的照片, who was recently promoted to chair of the Mathematics Department at Alameda International Jr./Sr. 在莱克伍德高中任教两年之后, in a dark classroom standing next to a window with bright light from outdoors.




(303) 615-1777
